American Home Owners Are Overpaying on Their Mortgages and Do Not Even Know It

by Don Luttrull

Home owners overpay on their homes about 2 times the original mortgage amount. Lenders and mortgage companies know but home owners are left in the dark. Equity Hunters of America was built as a 3rd party to regulate the way lenders run business

(PRWEB) October 4, 2005 -- Nearly 98% of American home owners will pay two to three times the original mortgage amount on their home once their 30 year loan is paid. Lenders have kept the American home owners in the dark for far too long and it is time for someone to make a change. Equity Hunters of America which is based in Fresno, California and ran by Don Luttrull is a company that has decided to make a change for the better for American home owners.

"Why would someone overpay on their home if they knew there was a way to pay less without changing their monthly bill?" said Don Luttrull. Lenders and mortgage companies have known about other ways for home owners to pay off their homes sooner but are not saying simply because it will cost them money.

Equity Hunters of America does a few things to help the home owner especially in the Fresno area since they opened up for business on the 26th of September 2005. Many tasks involved is a free savings analysis to show the home owner what his or her savings can be. Many different savings techniques are then discussed with the home owner to make sure they understand that they can pay off their home up to 10 to 15 years sooner without raising their monthly payment.

The information and services that are given by the mortgage consultants at Equity Hunters is not secret information. This information is something that needs to be shared with every home owner or anyone else who is thinking of buying a home for themselves.



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